Controls the display of any blog or event collections as one of:
- Slick carousel
- Grid
- Team Members
- Flex Boxes
collectionControl(Selector, Collection Slug, Display Type, Attributes)
Parameter | Description |
Selector | Required. jQuery selector identification where the resulting html code will be generated. Note that the selector must be unique on the page. |
Collection Slug | Required. This is the internal slug (key) assigned to the collection. You can find this by looking going to the page settings -> General, under URL SLUG. |
Display Type | Required. Identifies the display type requested. Must be one of "grid", "carousel", "team" or "flexboxes". These are case sensitive parameters. |
Attributes | Optional. Identifies parameters to override default values. The parameters are passed in a object array of key/value pairs. Each display type has different default values as described below. |
Attribute | Description |
filter | Defines if filtering checkboxes (or radio buttons) are to be displayed. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
groups | Overrides the default groups used for filtering. This is a comma delimeted list of group names found in the categories spreadsheet. |
showcats | Defines if categories are shown for each blog entry. Valid values are "true" or "false". |
showcount | Defines if a count of filtered and total number of blog items is shown. Valid values are "true" or "false" |
findcats | Defines a comma delimted list of categories which will be included in the blog entries. |
dots | Defines if navigation dots are shown below a carousel. Valid values are "true" or "false". This is only valid for "carousel" display type, otherwise it is ignored. |
Example code block for control
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: true,
groups: 'grades,outreach',
showcats: true,
showcount: true,
dots: false}
<div id="demo2"></div>
Example Team Members code block
- About Us -> People
This code block can be found on the About Us -> People page. It will display team members from the Team Members blog with the slug name “team-members”, using the display type “team”. All additional attributes are turned off so categories and filter checkboxes are not shown, as an example.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: false,
showcount: false,
groups: '',
showcats: false,
findcats: '',
dots: true}
<div id="teamContainer"></div>
Example Flex Boxes code block
- Home
This code block can be found on the Home page. It will display the flex boxes from the Flex Boxes blog with slug name “flex-boxes”, using the display type of “flexboxes”. Attitional attributes are currently ignored for flex boxes and not needed.
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="flexBoxes"></div>
Example Carousel code block for Announcements
- Home, Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum
- Visit -> Leslie Science & Nature Center
- Visit -> Challenger Learning Center (filter unity)
This code block can be found on the Home page, for Announcements. It will display the an infinite carousel from the Announcements blog with slug name “announcements”, using the display type of “carousel”.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: false,
showcount: false,
groups: '',
showcats: false,
findcats: '',
dots: false}
<div id="announce"></div>
Example Carousel code block for Promotions
- Home
This code block can be found on the Home page, for Promotions. It will display an infinite carousel loop from the Promotions blog with slug name “promotions”, using the display type of “carousel”. No categories, total count or filtering will be shown.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: false,
showcount: false,
groups: '',
showcats: false,
findcats: '',
dots: false}
<div id="promodiv"></div>
Example Carousel code block for Site Features
- Visit -> Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum (filter Ann Arbor)
- Visit -> Leslie Science & Nature Center (filter Leslie Center)
- Visit -> Yankee Air Museum (filter Yankee)
This code block can be found on the Home page, for Promotions. It will display an infinite carousel loop from the Site Features blog with slug name “site-features”, using the display type of “carousel”. No categories, total count or filtering will be shown. In this case, we are only showing blog entries that have a category of “Ann Arnor”.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: false,
showcount: false,
groups: '',
showcats: false,
findcats: 'Ann Arbor',
dots: false}
<div id="featuresdiv"></div>
Example Grid code block for Outreach Blog
- Learn -> Outreach
- About Us -> Jobs List
This code block can be found on the Learn -> Outreach page, for Outreach. It will display a grid format of the blog entries in slug name outreach-1, using the display type of grid. Filtering is specified by the group names, which will display checkboxes for Grades and Outreach.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: true,
groups: 'grades,outreach',
showcats: true,
showcount: true,
dots: false}
<div id="filterOutreach"></div>
Example Grid code block for Field Trips Blog
- Learn -> Field Trips
This code block can be found on the Learn -> Outreach page, for Outreach. It will display a grid format of the blog entries in slug name field-trips-1, using the display type of grid. Filtering is specified by the group names, which will display checkboxes for Field group.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: true,
groups: 'field',
showcats: true,
showcount: true,
dots: false}
<div id="filterField"></div>
Example Grid code block for Distance Learning Blog
- Learn -> Distance Learning
This code block can be found on the Learn -> Distance Learning page, for Distance Learning. It will display a grid format of the blog entries in slug name distance-learning-1, using the display type of grid. Filtering is specified by the group names, which will display checkboxes for Field group.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: true,
groups: 'grades,distance',
showcats: true,
showcount: true,
dots: false}
<div id="filterDistance"></div>
Example Locations code block for Directions Blog
- About Us -> Directions
This code block can be found on the About Us -> Directions page, for Directions. It will display a maps and directions of the blog entries in slug name reference-data/location-maps, using the display type of locations.
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: false,
groups: '',
showcats: false,
showcount: false,
dots: false}
<div id="locationOut"></div>
Example Address code block for Reference-data address
- Home
- Leslie Science & Nature Center
This code block can be found on the Home, Leslie page(s), for Address, hours and admission information. It will display a address information from the blog entries in slug name reference-data/address-hours, using the display type of address.
$(document).ready(function() {
{museum: 'aahom'}
<div id="addressOut"></div>
Example Calendar code block for Reference-data calendars
- Leslie Science & Nature Center
- About Us -> Calendars
This code block can be found on the Leslie page(s), for maps and directions. It will display a map information from the blog entries in slug name reference-data/calendars, using the display type of calendars.
$(document).ready(function() {
{activetab: 2,
collapsed: true}
<div id="calendarsOut"></div>