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Embedded Iframe

You can embed a page from the UIL website into the page of a separate website. When this is done, headers and footers are hidden with “display:none” CSS attribute. Otherwise this is a basic iFrame embed and initial height/width will be honored.

To work best, create a separate minimal page with just the components you want to display in the remote website. Do not include header images or extra text that should be included on the remote site.

Cook Book

As an example, to create a field trips iframe page.

  • Open the Field Trips page
  • In Settings, Duplicate page
  • Name the duplicate page Field Trips Iframe
  • Move the new page to the Embedded Iframes folder
  • Edit to remove un-necessary blocks.
  • Save modified page
  • On the remote site, include the iframe tag, using the slug from the field trips iframe page.
<iframe id="iFrame1" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" style="height:1500px;width: 100%;overflow-y:scroll;"/>

Embedded Iframe Screenshot

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