Reference Data Home
Many of the components described in this document display images or information that is gathered from data stored (in various forms) in other blogs. Most of the reference data blog items are within a blog identifed as “Reference Data”. However there are exceptions, such as Flex Boxes, which are saved in a spearate Blog.
Icon Bar
Icon Bars appear either attached to the top header image and/or the bottom footer on all pages. The icons displayed are saved in /reference-data/iconbar. Learn More about Icon Bar.
The category list is a list of standard categories and associated groupings. This list is used primarily for grid filtering. The categories are saved in /reference-data/categories as a code block in CSV format. Learn More about the Category List.
Category Groups
The category groups define the label and type of input used for filtering. Each grouping has three parts; (1) Group Name, (2) Display Label and (3) Input Type. Learn More about the Category Groups.