This will display a SquareSpace collection (blog or events) as a grid with optional filtering based on defined groups (see reference-data). Number of blog items displayed depends on page width. If width > 1200px then display 5 across, width < 1200 display 4 across, width < 900 display 3 across, width < 600 (mobile) display 1.
Quick try
Paste the following into a SquareSpace code block to see how it works:
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="exampleDiv"></div>
Used On Pages
Home Learn -> Outreach
collectionControl(Selector, Collection Slug, Display Type, Attributes)
Parameter | Description |
Selector | Required. jQuery selector identification where the resulting html code will be generated. Note that the selector must be unique on the page. |
Collection Slug | This is the slug key for a defined collection blog or event. |
Display Type | Required. Identifies the display type requested. For grids must be "grid". These are case sensitive parameters. |
Attributes | Optional. Identifies parameters to override default values. The parameters are passed in a object array of key/value pairs. Each display type has different default values as described below. |
All attributes are optional, the defaults are defined.
Attribute | Description | Default |
Groups | This parameter only has meaning if the filter parameter is true. It is a comma delimited string value of filter group names | Null |
FindCats | A comma delimted string value of defined categories to include. If not defined then this is ignored. | Null |
Filter | Set to true if filtering is to be enabled. | False |
ShowCats | Set to true if category names are to be displayed along with the blog entry. | False |
Dots | Display series of dots under the carousel to show the current slide and positon. | False |
ShowCount | Display a count of blog entrieds in the carousel. | False |
Featuredimage | Display the blog entry image, true or false | false |
Example code block for control
This example displays the outreach blog collection as a grid. The grid will be displayed as 5 across (default). Filtering will be enabled for defined groupings of grades and outreach. Categories for each blog entry will be dislayed. A count of blog entries will be displayed as two parts (“items found” of “total items”).
$(document).ready(function() {
{filter: true,
groups: 'grades,outreach',
showcats: true,
showcount: true,
dots: false}
<div id="filterOutreach"></div>
Reference Data
Return Value:
Additional Carousel Dependancies
- Slick plugin
Example Screenshot