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This will display a SquareSpace collection (blog or events) as a grid with optional filtering based on defined groups (see reference-data). Number of blog items displayed depends on page width. If width > 1200px then display 5 across, width < 1200 display 4 across, width < 900 display 3 across, width < 600 (mobile) display 1.

Quick try

Paste the following into a SquareSpace code block to see how it works:

$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="exampleDiv"></div>

Used On Pages

Home Learn -> Outreach


collectionControl(Selector, Collection Slug, Display Type, Attributes)


Parameter Description
Selector Required.
jQuery selector identification where the resulting html code will be generated. Note that the selector must be unique on the page.
Collection Slug This is the slug key for a defined collection blog or event.
Display Type Required.
Identifies the display type requested. For grids must be "grid". These are case sensitive parameters.
Attributes Optional.
Identifies parameters to override default values. The parameters are passed in a object array of key/value pairs. Each display type has different default values as described below.


All attributes are optional, the defaults are defined.

Attribute Description Default
Groups This parameter only has meaning if the filter parameter is true. It is a comma delimited string value of filter group names Null
FindCats A comma delimted string value of defined categories to include. If not defined then this is ignored. Null
Filter Set to true if filtering is to be enabled. False
ShowCats Set to true if category names are to be displayed along with the blog entry. False
Dots Display series of dots under the carousel to show the current slide and positon. False
ShowCount Display a count of blog entrieds in the carousel. False
Featuredimage Display the blog entry image, true or false false

Example code block for control

This example displays the outreach blog collection as a grid. The grid will be displayed as 5 across (default). Filtering will be enabled for defined groupings of grades and outreach. Categories for each blog entry will be dislayed. A count of blog entries will be displayed as two parts (“items found” of “total items”).

$(document).ready(function() {
    {filter: true,
     groups: 'grades,outreach',
     showcats: true,
     showcount: true,
     dots: false}
<div id="filterOutreach"></div>

Reference Data

Return Value:


Additional Carousel Dependancies

  • Slick plugin

Example Screenshot

Alt Carousel